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Re: Developing codes of conduct for Chat: Ethics concern
Posted By: ria, on host
Date: Saturday, June 9, 2001, at 20:31:27
In Reply To: Developing codes of conduct for Chat: Ethics concern posted by Wolfspirit on Saturday, June 9, 2001, at 17:19:46:

I know I'm not one to talk, since, in some people's terms, I'm still at least "newbie-ish." I guess I'm still annoying to some people, while others accept me. But that's not the point.

Basically, what the point that I think B-G and Dave meant to make was that this is SAM'S site. It's not something we have a say in. He dishes out the money for something for us (and him) to enjoy. That's his money. The webspace that the HTML file which contains my post is in is bought by him and therefore owned by him. That pretty much means that he has the final say in what goes on in the Forum, Chat, and other features.

I know, when I had a "popular" site in a rip-throat community, people tried to control it. "You're being too narrow-minded." "You can't say that I can't do that on your forum!" You know what? It was my site. I signed up for the space, I had control. I was the moderator of that forum and I decided what was appropriate. The "visitors" had no right to try to control what was my own hobby.

Sam with Sam and RinkWorks (and all other sub-sites of it). What he says goes. If he wants to kick somebody, he probably has a good reason. And he appointed the current ops. He obviously trusts them to use their "powers" when necessary, and so far as I've seen, they only use it when someone's out of line. If they're a little strict, oh well- as long as the owner of the site, and the writer of (or else the one who heavily modified) the scripts we use to interact is the one who governs what goes on within them.

The only problem with what I'm saying is that we haven't heard Sam's sentiments on the subject (at least not formally on here). So I don't have the call on this one.


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