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Skateboards and Stuffs
Posted By: PacMan, on host
Date: Saturday, June 9, 2001, at 20:04:38

I have two things I would like to address in this forum. I don't normally post in the forum, but I have decided to give it a try. The first is about Skateboarding. I started skateboarding about six months ago and I love it. Because school is starting to get out, I have been skating for approximately an hour a day, and more on weekends. Just today I skated for four hours straight, and an hour before that. But the problem is, is every kid who wants to be a skater. All of my "skater" friends who have been skating for a few years has all the girls wanting to be with them, and all the guys wanting to be them. It's disturbing. They didn't do anything special to deserve it, just did something they liked to do. There are also another group of "skaters" who haven't been skating long but skated for one reason. To be cool. I admit, that's why I started to skate is to hang out with my friends more and fit in better but now it's not. I actually like to skate. It is a fun sport. But the kids, who started skating and actually skate once a month and own $110 boards, they bug me. They can't do anything yet claim they are skaters. They barely skate yet they claim they are skaters. Skating isn't about being able to pull awesome tricks, but to try hard and have fun doing it. I think that this sport and multiple parts of society have lost their edge in this area.

Next is the Rink Chat issue. Somewhere Dave said that Rink Chat isn't a democracy, but a dictatorship. I agree. Sam or any assigned op shouldn't have a reason to do something, but they can just do it because it is their chat. The person involved is my friend in the real world and I still agree with Sam's decision.
Pac "Best Gaem Evar" Man

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