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Re: Balance of perspective
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Saturday, June 9, 2001, at 14:43:22
In Reply To: Re: Balance of perspective posted by Wolfspirit on Saturday, June 9, 2001, at 00:13:52:

> Perhaps what is needed here is a balance of one's perspective. The issue reminds me of a Jewish parable I read once, which said a person should always carry two slips of paper, one in each pocket. On the first one is written, "I am but dust and ashes," and the second one says, "The world was created for our sake." You are supposed to look at the first verse when feeling complacent or superior; and at the second verse when feeling overwhelmed and depressed.

Ah, I forgot to say that I was drawn into thinking about this particular parable primarily because of Den-Kara's sake -- not as a rebuke or put-down, but in a good way. I am somewhat surprised as to why her post drew so much censure -- I thought there was nothing 'overtly' offensive about how she presented her accomplishment in her post, save perhaps for the overenthusiasm of the subject title that was used. :-)