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Posted By: Gahalia, on host
Date: Monday, June 4, 2001, at 20:45:47
In Reply To: Re: unrequited love stinks posted by Den-Kara on Monday, June 4, 2001, at 17:52:58:

> Wow...that was a very powerful poem, and also really sad. There was one part I didn't understand really, though. It was the part that said, "now toy with emotions true, but overflowing." Would it be possible for you to clear that line up for me? Other than that, I love that poem. Not to sound cliched, but it actually tugged at my heart, and not many poems do that. Some poems just have something special about them that I connect with, and this is one of them.
> ~Den-"loves the quote that says, 'better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you aren't'"Kara

Thank you so much! That means a lot to me.

Basically what that line says is this:
I knew in my head that this guy considered me just a friend. I never really deceived myself; I knew the truth. But my emotions kind of got carried away and took my heart with them.

Emotions are fickle things. I was so completely wrapped up in the events surrounding this situation a while ago. But now, aside from writing the poem, I don't really care one way or the other. (A few hours after I posted the poem, I was asked in chat if I was okay. I didn't even realize the question referred to the post. Shows you how much this bothers me at this point.)

Have you ever found that caring about something or someone is so emotionally exhausting that you just stop caring so much? I spent the majority of first semester hating a guy, and then I got a crush on him. And stopped because it was too emotionally draining. (Does that make sense?)
. . .
And found myself caring once more after he came back from a break looking so much better with his hair cut. (Um, yeah. Sigh.)

You can't trust emotions sometimes, because sometimes we just see what we want to see and feel what we want to feel. Unrequited love may stink, but unrequited love with false hope can be torture.

Ga"I love that quote too."halia

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