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IABBBM review: Shadowchaser 4
Posted By: Wesley, on host
Date: Monday, June 4, 2001, at 10:38:06

2,960 years ago (I bet they were tempted to make it 3,000, but then someone pointed out only
bad movies use round numbers) aliens from the remote planet of - we're never told - land in Africa.
After the spaceship has landed (effects aren't that bad, really), aliens emerge. Except, they don't
look much like aliens, they look like B-movie Russians with a Bart Simpson haircut. We're made to
believe that they're clones or something, but in reality it's the same actor over and over again.

Meanwhile, an African tribe is celebrating the aliens' arrival. One (or better yet: *the*
alien walks) up to the tribal leader, who is holding something in his hand. Hey, the alien dude
(note: I'm using Bart Simpson's vocabulary) is holding something in his hand too. The things (lets
call them keys, because, hey, who are we kidding?) look alike, and, sure enough, fit together like
jigsaw pieces. After doing so, the aliens leave.

During takeoff (crappy FX by the way, like one of those shiny globes used in disco's in the 70's) the
saucer is hit by lightning, and explodes. No, that's not correct. In true bad movie manner we see it
explode at least FIVE times. At least we're sure that they're gone and done with... Right?

We leap 2,960 years into the future, so we're still not sure which year it is, and we're introduced
to a married couple, both archeologists. They're performing a dig in Africa, and they're looking for
evidence that the African Kwala tribe was more advanced than all the other tribes in their time.
So far they haven't found anything useful and are running out of money. Also, their son, injured in
a car accident some time ago (DINGDINGDINGDING!), needs to be moved to another hospital, where he
can get better treatment.

[stuff happens...]

Finally, they find the 'key' that belonged to the aliens, poking out of the ground. Why the tribe
members weren't able to find it in nearly 3,000 years is beyond me. Even if they didn't want it for
some reason, there are better ways to get rid of it than just shoving half of it in the ground. Anyway,
they call the sponsor of their dig to tell him about the find and to ask for more time. [sidetrack:
the receptionist that connects the call is working from home and has one of the most stereo-type
accents in movie history]. The sponser asks for the item to be delivered to one of his associates, and
requests that the writings on the 'key' are e-mailed to him.

Get ready, here it comes. At the moment of pressing the 'send' key, one of/the alien(s) wakes
up (he wasn't dead after all, go figure). To make sure we understand this bit of ludicrous storytelling,
they zoom in on the telephone wire and follow it through the air, so that we're absolutely sure that the
alien is awakened by an e-mail.

After this, the plot stops...

While the wife is delivering the 'key' to the sponser's associate, the couple's assistant finds the
alien dude looking for the key. The assistant is killed, and the alien sets off for the wife. But not
before PUTTING ON THE HUSBAND'S RAINCOAT. What the hell does he want *that* for? This is Africa dude!
When the husband comes home, he seees the murdered assisent. But does he look shocked, frightened,
or worried. No, he just looks confused. And for the next 30 minutes, he will look confused no matter
what. Apparently they couldn't afford to pay the actor for more than one emotion.

He finds his wife, alien finds them, alien speaks in a cyborg voice that sounds it was made using
an old Commodore 64, they run, sponsor's associate follows them, sponsor's associate and his gang
fire with four machineguns at their truck from a distance of 5 feet, but hit nothing.

Every now and then we have a scene in which we see the son (who, how that I think of it, throughout
the movie, looks exactly like his father: confused), to stress the point that time is ticking out
(DINGDINGDINGDING!). In final showdown, the alien tells us that the key is needed to make some sort
of elixer with healing powers (DINGDINGDINGDING!). The device for making it is here on earth.
Why, do you ask? And so does the rest of the nation.

The device is destroyed, they manage to get their hands on some elixer, and use it to cure their

Rating: 2 turkeys.

Scene to watch for: the raincoat scene.

Best line: any line spoken by the alien with the cheap Commodore 64 voice.