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Scotland notes, at last
Posted By: Sentry, on host
Date: Saturday, June 2, 2001, at 13:56:27

Sorry I didn't get these out to ya'll sooner. I have a very good excusse which is unlikely to be reveiled at this time.

We arrived in Glasgow Scotland on the 24th of April after a long a tedious plane ride through which I was unable to sleep. Famished and tired we only stayed awake long enough on arrival to order and eat a Dominos pizza. How very Scotish of us. Next day we found the internet cafe, subway, Bucannan St. (shops, returants, no cars allowed. Also a comic shop ;-})and while I looked I didn't find any Kinder Eggs. This would soon be reminded and I would have all the Chocalte Eggs with toys inside I could want.

Also on Bucannan St. is the Princes Mall, a Mall with very expensive store. But the great part was the arcitecture, this was a beautiful building, wood floors, wrot (sp?!?) iron railings, a glass roof, a mosaic floor. Very, very nice.

That evening a few of us went to a Karaoke Bar. I can't sing. Lets leave it at that.

The next day we road a train (very the nice the British system, very nice) to the Scotish capitol of Edinburgh. Lovely city. I'm not sure which I liked more, Glasgow or Edinburgh. On the train I read so Scottish and Celtic myths to reasurch my project (we all had to do creative projects. I decided to create a Scottish superhero, grounded in Scottish and Celtic myths and fairy tales).

After we dumped our stuff in a Hostel we hiked up to Edinburgh Castle. Very cool, I love castles. Great view of the city. The WWI memorial (a chapel like building dedicated to the UK's fighting men who gave their lives for their country) was humbling. On the way back to the Hostel we window shopped and I got a MacIntosh plaid (sp?) scarf (My mother's father's mother's maiden name was MacIntosh. My Grandfather kept telling me about one of my ancestors who died in the mines in Glasgow. I eventually sent him a postcard with MacIntosh plaid on it.) I also bough a 'King Arthur' Dagger and had it mailed home.

The next day we started a 3 day bus tour with the Haggis tour group. I can't recomend these guys enough. They are so much fun, esspecially if you have Tony as your tour guide. We saw the William Wallace Monument, The castle where King Arthur first got taunted by the French in Monty Python and the Holy Grail (I blow my nose at you...), a feild that was the site of some filming of Braveheart, and we made our way onto the Isle of Skye (this was the Skye tour, after all). We spent the night in a hostle.

Next day we climbed down a clift to see the abandoned ruins of a factory that used to extract lime from seaweed to make explosives. It blew up and by that time a safer, non-seaweed reliant, process of getting lime was found. We also saw moors, mountians, waterfalls, hairy coos (shaggy Highland Cows), lots of sheep, and we stuck our heads in a stream.

Oh what? You want me to explain that last bit?

Well it will have to wait, my mom wants we to get off the computer. grrrr.

Sen'you can cut the suspence with a knife'try

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