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The flowers and the monitor
Posted By: ria, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 2, 2001, at 15:47:27

Gah. Right when I get back from two days of no RinkWorks (or Internet, for that matter) access, I get deprived again.

Mom went down to L.A. for a doctor's appointment yesterday. I had to walk home from school (I live only three blocks from the campus so this is no big deal). When I get home, I slipped off my shoes, slung down my backpack, and plopped in the computer chair, as I normally do when I get home from long, grueling days at the local purgatory.

The problem is that as I sat down, I stepped in a puddle of water and a pile of roses. I knew right then what it was: Mom's early Mother's Day present from me- the vase that was on top of the computer desk.

Luckily for the cats (who did this- one should be able to figure out why we lock them in a separate room at night), the vase was not broken. I cleaned up the mess and sat back down in the computer chair, a little upset by this time. I reached down and pushed that little green button that boots the computer, then pressed the monitor button. Problem. A puddle of water in front of the monitor. I looked up to see the screen still black. Great- no monitor! I found water on the top of the monitor, where the venting (or whatever the heck you call it) is. I reached back behind the computer, flipped the little black switch that turns it off, and unplugged the monitor.

So now the monitor is upside down next to my desk, my desk is, ah, empty enough to do my homework on, and I can't use my computer. Hey, at least my data's still on the computer, right?

Well, now I have to wait five days to see if the monitor dries out (if you need to tell me that 1) I don't need to wait any longer than [insert time amount here] for it to dry out or 2) it's never going to "dry out," then don't bother, 'cause I won't see it until the monitor "dries out" or else we buy a new one), and if it doesn't, I have to wait five weeks for some catalogue to come so that Mom can order a new one with her- get this- Avon's President Club points (*SOB*- this is what we get for having no credit cards and 'no dinero'!).

So, yeah, miss me or don't. Have fun without me, all.

ri "In a state of emotional distress without her computer" a

P.S. Stephen says I'm a total nutjob. Thanks, Stephen. That meant a lot to me :-D

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