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Re: Fake Tragedy
Posted By: eric sleator, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 1, 2001, at 15:35:29
In Reply To: Fake Tragedy posted by gabby on Tuesday, May 1, 2001, at 14:19:54:

> Despite the prevailing notion that movies with
> sad endings are unquestionably good, and the
> more tragic they are the better they are,
> (except for bittersweet endings, which are even
> better yet provided they don't have a modern
> setting)

I think that one thing movie-makers do is make the movie Sad and Dramatic so people will automatically assume that since it made them cry it must be good. This is frequently not the case, though. Stepmom, for example, follows the formula, and its status as a good movie is highly debatable.

-eric "Plus Julia Roberts is evil" sleator
Mon 1 May A.D. 2001