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One Wish
Posted By: gabby, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 1, 2001, at 15:15:32
In Reply To: Three Wishes posted by Tranio on Monday, May 15, 2000, at 16:30:06:

I was thinking about posting this question, but I couldn't remember if we had discussed it before. Well, we had. Sort of. My question is just slightly different than Tranio's. Maybe new and different people will answer this time, or maybe people's thoughts have changed.

If you had to use exactly one wish, what would you wish for?

And then, some questions I had after reading this thread: Is the one wish different from how you would wish if you had three wishes? For example, Stephen's wish for wisdom was to aid him with the other two. Would it change if there were no other two? What about Brunnen_G, who didn't want to wish but now doesn't have a choice?

gab"Master of useless questions"by

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