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Re: F i r e !
Posted By: wintermute, on host
Date: Thursday, April 26, 2001, at 01:26:41
In Reply To: Re: F i r e ! posted by Grishny on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, at 20:44:55:

> I've heard tales (maybe they are true, maybe not, I don't know) of pyromaniacs in college who would spray down their arms with hair spray, light it, and then run screaming through the halls waving their flaming arms in the air as a practical joke on the unwary. Supposedly, they suffered no harm from it, other than perhaps a little singed arm hair. Could this be true?

Heh. This brought back memories. When I was at Uni, A friend of mine poared lighter fluid of his denim jacket, set it alight and ran out screaming. Denim doesn't brn very well, and lighter fluis burns with a cool flame, so it was quite impressive.

winter"That was the best fire prevention lecture ever"mute