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Re: First Post EVER (from my brand-spankin' new PC)
Posted By: Ellmyruh, on host
Date: Monday, April 23, 2001, at 20:18:16
In Reply To: Re: First Post EVER (from my brand-spankin' new PC) posted by Grishny on Monday, April 23, 2001, at 20:06:43:

> Probably not. The original ZIP disks only held 100 MB, and the newer ones hold 250. I just saw a new product on the shelves the other day, a ZIP 650 drive, which I would assume writes to zip disks that can hold 650 MB.

That's actually just a CD-RW drive manuafactured by the ZIP people.

> I think CD-Rs hold about 650 MB

That's the standard, but they're now up to 700 MB.

> I have been under the impression, perhaps mistaken, that the difference between CD-Rs and CD-RWs is that you can make multiple burns to the same disk, eventually filling it up. But what you've said makes it sound like you can actually erase information you've saved onto a CD-RW and/or overwrite it.

The second assumption is correct. You can treat a CD-RW disc like a zip disk, although it's not as easy. It really depends on the software you use to write to the CD and reformat it when you start over.

I stick to CD-R discs. They can be played in regular CD-ROMS and in newer stereos, while CD-RWs can only be used in CD-RW drives. Why wear out the expensive CD-RW drive when you can use the CD-ROM drive, especially since it's faster? In addition, CD-Rs are much cheaper. Look for sales and clearance specials, where I've found packs of 50 CD-Rs (usually without the jewel cases) for $20. No, you can't rewrite to them and yes, you will waste some CDs when you're getting started, but it will be cheaper in the long run.

As for software, I recommend Adaptec's EZ-CD Creator Deluxe, although I know there are other good programs, as well.

Ell"Sean could give plenty of advice and information, but he's in Alaska for work"myruh

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