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Re: Join the Club
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Wednesday, April 18, 2001, at 14:46:09
In Reply To: Join the Club posted by Don the Monkeyman on Monday, April 16, 2001, at 21:19:04:

> Well, I have finally joined company with some of the best people I know. I am now a member of the "Jobless RinkWorks Christian Men" club.

Ah. Unless one is gainfully self-employed, I believe we can all look forward to "Le Club Unemployment" at some point in our lives. Far gone are the days when one could expect a practially cradle-to-grave career with a suitably padded "soft-landing" pension plan from some Big Company.

But I still think it's kind of surreptitiously shameful that a manager may lay you off in the morning, and then it's apparently expected that you'll be gone and forgotten by noon or some such -- no matter how long you may have been working there.

> I was pretty pleased with how the whole thing went.

Now you sound like Sam.... :-)

> As it turned out, by the time I was finished all my packing up, it was after 4:30. I had managed to squeeze everything into my bag except my framed diploma and my coffee mug, so I went next door to see if I could scam a ride home. (Go figure that the first day in a month and a half that I DON'T drive to work is the day I have to take all my stuff home. I love irony

If you can fit your entire working life into one flat briefcase (sans diploma and mug, which are by no means essential), then you're one of the most mobile persons I know. :-)

> I am in far too good a mood right now for anything else to make sense. I also believe, though, that God has something in mind for me. He started working a change in me (a strong one at that) yesterday, and I learned long ago that "coincidences" can often be the sign of God at work. Losing my job today is not something I am willing to say absolutely was "God's Plan" but I am feeling pretty confident about it nonetheless. I won't go into any more detail here right now, but I will say that I am feeling quite confident right now.
> Don "Surprisingly Jovial" Monkey

Heh. Sort of like the truly jovial reaction I had when my life's work in two labs, in two different cities, both got flooded out -- or when someone broke into my humble house abode to steal all our electronic and musical equipment and the TV and computer etc, etc. I think I described all this awhile back.

Wolf "is back" sprit

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