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Rumble at Dillards
Posted By: Randy, on host
Date: Monday, April 16, 2001, at 18:47:10

Ok, so not actually a real "Rumble at" post, as part of these events never actually happened. It was something that would have happened if I wasn't chicken and could actually talk to strangers every once and a while.
(Real part here)
Anyways...I was walking through Dillards, heading into the mall. I walk through the shoe section, and see a couple of the guys that were working there, a manager and a salesman I assume. The sales guy is not much older than I, and the manager probably just a bit older. They are looking at something in the distance. As I turn the corner, I see waht they are looking at. At one of the mirrors in the way huge makeup section, a very attracive young lady is outting her hair up in a bun. They are standing a good 10 feet away gawking at her and making, I assume, some very not comments about her.
(Imagined part here)
I go up to the young attractive lady. I ask her in the nicest way possible if she realizes that those guys were staring at her. She steps back, wonders what kind of freak I am, and then decides to answer anyways. "Yeah", she says,"I realize it, and it kind of bugs me on one hand. On the other hand, I kind of like it. I mean, we all want attention sometimes, right?"

Well, what do you guys think? Was my imagining on the right track? I don't really know. She could have just been oblivious to their staring. the guys could have been saying good things about her, but by their snickering, I doubt it.

Anyways, just something that has been on my mind, and wanted to share with the rest of the class. Hope you have fun.

Ran"Rambling man"dy

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