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Re: Transit Strike Over!
Posted By: Don the Monkeyman, on host
Date: Monday, April 16, 2001, at 07:17:28
In Reply To: Re: Transit Strike Over! posted by MissyClar on Sunday, April 15, 2001, at 14:45:58:

> My predictions:
> with your new-found platonic interest, you will approach the really cute girl and start up conversations with her every day ... eventually you will tell her how you're only interested in platonic relationships, she'll see this as a challenge, seduce you like mad and you'll both fall in love! yay!

An interesting theory...

I rode the bus this morning, but there were very few people on it. It was kind of nice, though-- the normal "standing room only" condition not only makes the ride more uncomfortable, but also means more stops to let people on and off. Today I had a seat to myself, and an empty seat right in front of me. I didn't see RCG today, but she might have been in the back. I feel kind of conspicuous looking the bus up and down when I get on, so I don't tend to notice everyone on the bus. I was pleased, though-- I had plenty of time, room, and privacy to read-- I wish more of my bus trips were like that.

Don "Had to use a bus ticket today since I haven't got a new pass yet" Monkey