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Martha Stewart--Revealed!
Posted By: Sundragyn, on host
Date: Sunday, April 8, 2001, at 11:12:19

I had this funky dream last night that I was in this gigantic theme park sort of place. It was extremely long and I don't remember all the details, but I do remember that every five minutes Martha Stewart (or is it Stuart? Hmm.) would call everybody up on the communications wire (it looked like a big plastic chain with lights on it) and whine about how nobody was coming to her doughnut shop. Finally, just to make her happy and shut her up, we went and bought doughnuts. I bought a chocolate and and peanut butter pie that had an uncooked pie shell, absolutely COVERED with powdered sugar. Except I never got to eat it. :-( Later, I had to write some tests, and then I was a mermaid or something, and there was this bit where I was pink and orange cat, but I did enjoy seeing Martha whine and complain.


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