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Re: This post will NEITHER shock NOR amaze you!
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Thursday, April 5, 2001, at 14:15:46
In Reply To: Re: This post will NEITHER shock NOR amaze you! posted by Sentry on Tuesday, April 3, 2001, at 23:08:57:

I don't have a girlfriend, and I really really want one but I really really have no idea how to go about it.
> Good for you though.
> Sen'maybe if I spent less time on-line? Nah.'try

I wish I could advise you, but I'm a few decades out of practice on this kind of thing. However, I can tell you a lot of things that Won't Work.

WW no. 1. I tried growing a mustache to attract girls, but it didn't work. Lip hair won't grow until it's darn good and ready.

WW no. 2 I tried acting super cool and the girls
laughed their heads off.

WW no. 3 I decided to dress for success, but I had absolutely no fashion sense, and no money.

WW no. 4 I didn't try this one but, some friends
figured smoking a pipe would get the girls to notice. Same result as Won't Work number two.

WW no. 5 I tried getting my hair cut in the then-popular flat top style. The only comment I got was, "Did you know you have a white streak down the middle of your head?" I wasn't interested in her anyway.

WW no. 6 I tried driving my father's car to school but found out that no one was impressed by a four-year-old Kaiser with a fender that didn't match.

There's more, but I've embarrassed myself enough for now.