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Re: Golden Clouds/Shakespeare/SAT/other stuff
Posted By: MissyClar, on host
Date: Thursday, April 5, 2001, at 13:53:52
In Reply To: Golden Clouds/Shakespeare/SAT/other stuff posted by Den-Kara on Wednesday, April 4, 2001, at 20:29:59:

This is so weird! Here's my (quasi) long story on "effervescent"

First effervescent incident..
A while ago, I went to the Oriental Institute, a little museum at the University of Chicago. They had a fabulous exhibit on Sumer and had tons of wonderful artifacts, so I was inspired to buy a book with ALL the research ever done on Sumer written by a UC professor. (excellent book!) And on the first page, he referred to cultural diffusion as "effervescent." Crazy, eh?
"What a pretty word!" I said. "What's it mean?" I asked my mother. She told me it meant lively, or bubbly. (Don't people who majored in english in college make handy dictionaries?) Anywho, I thought it was a great word and I've used it in (almost) every day speech since..
Effervescent Incident #2: Yesterday, during my early (7 o' clock) bird Chemistry class, my teacher was explaining gas solutions to us. Then, she asked what the bubbling and hissing (Actually pssht) sound made when gas escaped from a solution (like when you open a bottle of coke) was called. It being a three level class (one level down from the highest level offered at my school: four...the lowest level is 2, which is apparently the taught at the level of the national average...something like that) no one knew the answer. But then! Suddenly I remembered the delightful cultural diffusion word from so many months ago! "EFFERVESENCE!" I shouted, triumphantly. And my peers gasped at my amazing knowledge of gaseous solutions.
Instance number three would be Den Kara's post. This word is almost as ubiquitous as...ubiquitous.

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