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A Brief Note
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Wednesday, April 4, 2001, at 06:42:52
In Reply To: New York posted by Faux Pas on Tuesday, April 3, 2001, at 12:33:00:


Why write about New York like this? After all, don't I live here? Aren't these "Adventures With" posts supposed to be about going somewhere else then coming back and writing about it?

I was inspired by Sam and Dave's posts about the New Zealand trip, specifically the differences about the little things: beet(root) on hamburgers, "takeaway", and ketchup/tomato sauce. Okay, I was only interested in the food. That and I really want to go on vacation. I also saw some weird things while shopping for boots at about the same time I was reading Sam and Dave's posts.

So I thought. I thunk. Hey! Why can't I write about my trip to New York? Hey! Wouldn't this be also be a good thread to tie in those "Observations from the commute" posts and a place to list some neat things in New York City for people coming to visit? That way, people could search for "New York" on the forum search page and find a large listing, all here in a threaded message format.

If these posts bare any resemblance to Sam's New Zealand trip reports, it's all just a coincidence.


1 total: Pigeon(!!!)

-Faux "it's all a big coincidence! really!" Pas

Link: The old

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