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Re: The World is Dark, the Soul is Not (Another Poem by Me)
Posted By: Den-Kara, on host
Date: Saturday, March 31, 2001, at 22:18:16
In Reply To: Re: The World is Dark, the Soul is Not (Another Poem by Me) posted by ria on Saturday, March 31, 2001, at 10:30:17:

>I'd like to hear the story behind it as well, if you'd like to type it out.

I'm glad you liked my poem. :) The story behind it is that I had been in my room, reading a book (The Phantom of the Opera) while listening to music, and suddenly I had this urge to go look out my window. I kept trying to shrug it off, but I kept having this feeling that I should look out the window. So I did, and all I could see was blackness. All of a sudden, the first line in the poem popped into my head, "with the beauty of the day slipping into the night." I didn't know where to take the poem next, so I just asked God to help me say whatever it was He wanted me to say. After that, the words just came to me. That sounds hokey maybe, but it's true. I didn't really think about what to say...they just entered my mind. I used the sun/Son thing so people could interpret it how they chose, although the poem is definitely sending the message of how important it is to be saved. So yep...that's about it. I think it's :)

~Den-"me gustaria dormir"Kara