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Re: U.S. Cities
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Thursday, March 29, 2001, at 08:50:02
In Reply To: Re: U.S. Cities posted by Dave on Wednesday, March 28, 2001, at 21:32:28:

> Also, I'm always amused at your fear of Boston, Sam. Is it *just* the twisty streets and bad drivers, or something else that makes you fear the city? Sure, I've only driven in Boston once and don't ever plan to do it again, but only because it's one of those insane east-coast Colonial cities that grew up haphazardly and randomly and it's basically impossible to find your way around if you don't really know the city well already. And the drivers are all maniacs. But there's only really one "bad" section of Boston as far as crime goes, and that's still nothing compared to most other cities.

The twisty streets, combined with the maniacal drivers, are basically it. I know the crime isn't as bad as in, say, New York City, but the fact that the twisty streets make it "basically impossible to find your way around" gives me the perhaps irrational fear that I'll end up in the bad part of town anyway. But mostly it's just the streets and heavy traffic and bad drivers in general.