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Re: U.S. Cities
Posted By: Platypi007, on host
Date: Tuesday, March 27, 2001, at 20:21:06
In Reply To: Re: U.S. Cities posted by Kiki on Tuesday, March 27, 2001, at 19:43:20:

I lived in new orleans for 10 years and that ended in december, now my family lives in smalltown alabama and I live in collegetown mississippi.

As for deadly... Well, though it may sound stereotypical, it is rather true in new orleans, a city where the first year (1990) that we lived there there were 366 murders and the number of people who were shot/stabbed/etc and lived was much higher, like 2k. This number has increased each year as well. There ARE parts of town where if some outsider happens uppon the gang members will try to circle them in and kill them and I know people who have been there at the wrong time.

I perfer living in a small to medium sized town which is within an hour of a large town, and the small town is perferable 30 mins or so from a meduim town.

New Orleans may be a great city to visit, occasionaly and never at mardi gras, and it has WONDERFUL food, mmmm the food is great, and I have lots of friends there, it would be one of the last places I would want to return to.