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Posted By: koalamom, on host
Date: Wednesday, March 21, 2001, at 23:42:06
In Reply To: Okay, koalamom, interpret this dream! posted by ThePhan on Wednesday, March 21, 2001, at 12:51:40:

> This is my weirdest dream ever. It is VERY strange. And short.
> There were blue ants in our cupboards. (They looked like Flik from "A Bug's Life.") They asked us for some worms... so we gave them spaghetti. Then they changed their minds and asked for hamburgers, but we wouldn't give it to them until they finished their spaghetti.
> So, in their fury... they threw ice cubes at us.
> Say what?!?!?

Oooh, I love a challenge. Let's see here. Hmmmm. Of course, you know, I could do better if I knew a little more about you in order to put this dream into the context of your for instance when your last mental health check-up was and are you taking all your meds? ;-) But, lacking any further details, and forgoing any more disclaimers, I'd say:

The ants represent a group of people--friends? teachers? -- who periodically make demands on you. These are not people who are close to you (they are small, not human, and tucked away in the cabinet). When you don't meet their demands, they respond coldly (the ice cubes). Taa Daa!

Actually, I was thinking about re-interpreting your first dream a little bit. After seeing the multitude of senseless postings earlier, I'm thinking the cement blocking the church door may represent this sort of "chaff", which is Sam's responsibility to clear out. The church would be a metaphor, then, for Rinkworks itself since all the Rinkies are playing inside it.

koala"hey, it's an art, not a science"mom

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