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Re: Ah, comics
Posted By: Sentry, on host
Date: Tuesday, March 20, 2001, at 08:45:45
In Reply To: Re: Ah, comics posted by Wolfspirit on Tuesday, March 20, 2001, at 08:30:41:

> > Actually, Family Circus has gotten better. At least I think so.
> >
> > Qua "Beanie Babies can't fly Naboo Fighters!" rtz
> > ~~*Q*~~
> Okay, I'm convinced. Any comic that has a line like THAT is on its way to greatness.
> Wolf "LEEEEEEEN! Come back!" spirit

Has Family Circus ever been funny? It always seemed to be a sentimental comic for soft hearted parents and grandparents.

I still hold out hope for Bill Waterson to bring back Calvin and Hobbes. Farside and Outland/Bloom Country (or County or what ever) were two of my other favorites. The newspaper strips haven't been really funny in years.

On-line strips are were it is at if your looking for humor. They aren't shackeled by the comic strip syndications, who tend to be scared of anything new so they don't get in. Also on-line creators don't have to wait for someone to die or retire to get space. Garfeild really hasn't been funny for years, but no one really has the guts to tell his creator that.

I hardly read paper comic stirps any more. Who wants to read a strip about a talking dog and a cat with a lisp doing slightly funny/touching/cute stuff (Mutts) when on-line you can read a strip with a switch blade weilding mini-loop, a trenchcoat and sun glass wearing inventor, and a potato eating dragon (Sluggy Freelance).

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