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Re: Witticisms/observations about the pay scale
Posted By: Fuzzpilz, on host
Date: Tuesday, March 20, 2001, at 08:28:20
In Reply To: Re: Witticisms/observations about the pay scale posted by Penny-stamp Man on Tuesday, March 20, 2001, at 08:17:29:

> > Good pay attracts good teachers. Low pay gets you people who couldn't find a better job. The politicians will never figure that out. I guess they don't want to.
> > Howard

I've just recently heard and read about the following: Norway has lots and lots of oil money, which is put away for worse times. Since the government never spends any of it, the schools rot away, the teachers (and the teachers who teach the teachers!) are underpaid, and there's problems in other sections too.

Fuzz"has now started doing this too"pilz

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