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Re: Working Full Time/Having Free Time
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Wednesday, March 14, 2001, at 13:54:54
In Reply To: Working Full Time/Having Free Time posted by Don the Monkeyman on Wednesday, March 14, 2001, at 11:46:55:

> OK here's something I have been thinking about lately, and I was wondering if others feel the same way, and if they do, what they do about it.
> In the past few years, I have been finding that as my responsibilities (first in school, now at work) built up, I have had less and less time for my personal hobbies. This, of course, is obvious; more time working = less time playing. However, this problem has escalated to the point where I feel that I have far too little time for my hobbies...

> Don Monkey

I'm in a similar situation. I work eight hours and the commute is ninety minutes one-way. Therefore, I have to put off my free time until the weekend -- during the week, I only have four hours to prepare dinner, eat, answer fifty-two gazillion telemarketer calls, go for my evening walk, run to the grocery store, do another load of laundry, and relax with my wife. I'm asleep for eight hours and away from my wife for nine to eleven hours a day -- I can't say "Honey, leave me alone for a few hours after we get home so I can do some Guy Stuff that I like and you don't."

So I only have the weekends.

What keeps me going is knowing that I will be doing this for only one more year. My time here is like a prison sentence; I mark off the days until I can get out. I have very little life outside of work. This is probably going to be the only place I will earn this much money. My wife doesn't make that much. In about a year's time, she'll be making (about) as much as I currently do. I'll be able to leave and go on to a lower paying, but more fulfilling job.

>My question, then, is this: For those of you who are working full time, or who have equivalent commitments that keep you out of the home for at least forty hours a week, how much do you squeeze into a week, and how do you do it? Do you often feel as I do, that you get all the necessities done, but little more?

I do not work overtime. I will not work overtime. The few hours I have to myself are precious and few.

The only reason I have this job is so I can take care of my wife and me. I do not live for my job. I live for my family. I will willingly put up with four years of misery for the promise of years of happiness to come.

-Faux "Have I mentioned lately how much I hate New York City?" Pas