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Re: Longing for freedom
Posted By: koalamom, on host
Date: Wednesday, March 14, 2001, at 00:30:49
In Reply To: Longing for freedom posted by Oeras on Tuesday, March 13, 2001, at 17:55:59:

> I am only 13, and am going to start High School next year. However, I am (and have been for all of middle school) in an advanced placement program, and hve always cosidered myself more mature than "most" children my age. (I say "most" because the school I attend is the only school in the are that has full-day advanced placement.)
> Well, because of this, I sort of feel like an adult trapped in a kid's body. Most people I meet don't think of 13-year-olds as equals (especially males). There are several reasons why this is the pits.

I think I understand how you feel. You sound a lot like me when I was 13. It is *hard* to be 13 years old, especially if you're a more serious minded/mature one. Adults don't know what to make of you, because you're not just a regular "little kid" any longer, nor do you fit the "giggly/crazy teen" mode which seems to be expected.
> For instance, I feel completely confident that, provided I had the money to start, I could get a job and live on my own. Of course, this is not expected until one is at least 18.

Well, there's freedom, and then there's freedom. Right now you have the freedom to concentrate on doing your best in school (consider this your career at the moment) without having to worry about being responsible for rent, food, clothing, insurance, medical bills, etc. Basically you have a job here that doesn't "pay" well at present in terms of personal freedoms, perhaps, but has terrific tangible and intangible benefits (plus plenty of room for promotion). This is not a bad thing.

> Also, any relationship can't be carried on for long. It is often looked down upon, or thought of as just "puppy love." Marriage is completely out of the question, or even anything past a "peck" on the cheek. Even if you are sure somebody is "the one."

I believe that people of any age are capable of feeling deep and real affection. I hate when people patronize one's feelings.

So, please be sure, I am not patronizing when I say that what you are sure of at 13 (even if you are a mature 13) is not always the same thing you are sure of at, say, 16, when you've had a couple more years of life experience and perspective. That's what's interesting about getting older, the view always changes!--and in ways you'd never expect, too. Any relationship benefits from added perspective.

> That's all I have to say for right now. Thanks for reading my tale of woe.
> Oer"just needed to get it off my chest"as

You probaby weren't particularly looking forward to a reply from someone with "mom" in their user name ;-), hope my comments weren't too overly smothery motherly. I appreciate what you're going through.
