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An Hour Before Sunrise
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Tuesday, March 13, 2001, at 18:12:57

I just started a book by James Earl Carter. Perhaps you have heard of him. Anyway, I think I'm going to like it. He is giving me a different perspective of the depression. I lived in a town in Kentucky and he lived in rural Georgia. He is a few years older than me, so what he saw as a youth, I saw as a very young child. The funniest part so far concerns the Joe Lewis-Max Schmelling fight in 1938. I hope I spelled old Max's last name right. He was a heavyweight. Joe Lewis was my number one hero from as far back as I can remember. Back to the book. If you think Jimmy Carter was poor, just because his family lived in a house with no electricity and no bathroom, this book will be an eye opener. I hope to finish it later this week.
How"my sister gave it to me"ard