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Invasion of Personal Space
Posted By: Jezzika, on host
Date: Wednesday, March 7, 2001, at 18:13:45
In Reply To: Re: Fear and Freaking out! posted by Sundragyn on Wednesday, March 7, 2001, at 17:55:05:

I also get really mad when people who I'm not comfortable with decide it's okay to touch me. I've harboured grudges over this for weeks. "He touched me! Augh!" I know, it's anal-retentive, but that's the way I am...
> Sundragyn.

I don't think that's anal-retentive at all. Working in massage therapy, I have no problem touching other people or being touched---if one of us is on the massage table at the time. Otherwise, I don't like anybody touching me unless we have a close relationship. Unfortunatly, people who study therapy or healing in any form are most likely to be touchy-feely people, and my classmates/teachers/collegues often ambush me with hugs. Hugs are great, sure, and I can appreciate that they're just being friendly. But still, like you said, Augh!

--Jez"getting better at accepting hug attacks without jerking away"zika

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