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It's not just public schools.
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Wednesday, March 7, 2001, at 13:09:11
In Reply To: Re: Public Schools...tisk tisk tisk posted by Liface on Wednesday, March 7, 2001, at 09:24:22:

> Yes, but I agree with folex. there are way too many stupid people in public schools. I just try to distance myself from these people so I can learn.

I'd like to point out that the stupid people epidemic is not confined to only public schools. It's a problem in private schools as well.

I went to a Christian school from fifth grade through twelfth, and there were stupid people in my classes every year. My definition of stupid may vary slightly from yours, but mainly I'm thinking of kids who weren't there to learn but to cause trouble. Troublemakers. People who reveled in disrupting classes and tormenting teachers.

I can recall two teachers that were driven to or near to nervous breakdowns by my class. The first one was in eighth grade, and I regret to say that I participated in it, if only a little. I'm ashamed of it now. The class was full of stupid people, and the stupidness infected me. This teacher couldn't control the kids, and she was driven either to screaming fits of rage or sobbing almost daily. Finally one day she snapped, and slammed the door so hard that the windows in it shattered. The school ended up replacing her with a substitute who was a strict disciplinarian, which we all thought stunk at the time, but in retrospect it was probably the best thing that happened to us all year.

The second time was in eleventh grade geometry. It was really only one guy in the class who caused most of the trouble, but the rest of the class was apathetic, so we ended up not learning as much as we should have. Eventually, the teacher did have a nervous breakdown, and said some really strange things in class one day. We ended up with a substitute for the rest of the year who didn't put up with Stupid Boy's guff and so we finally got to learn geometry.

There are no doubt exceptions to every rule. I'm sure there are some schools, both public and private, where every student, teacher, and faculty member is dedicated to learning and the pursuit of knowledge. If any of you hear about a place like that...let me know.


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