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Re: marriage
Posted By: Ferrick, on host
Date: Tuesday, March 6, 2001, at 07:10:49
In Reply To: marriage posted by Shai'tan on Monday, March 5, 2001, at 21:43:45:

Yes, the typical, always frustrating, but somehow applicable answer is, "You just know." Unfortunately, it takes being married to realize that this statement is often true.

Being married is a challenge. It isn't easy a lot of the time but it can become natural. I think it is fun, though, even with all the difficult times. There are some shocks involved, both good and bad. And when you realize, as others have said, that there is no way for it to be perfect, and you accept that as being OK, that's when things are easier.

One of the biggest adjustments for me was that marriage doesn't let you hide. When you are dating, you can be "on" when you see eachother and you can hide your "undesirable" sides when you are apart. When you are married, running away and hiding things is not feasible anymore, at least if you want a healthy marriage. Sometimes it takes you seeing that this person has flaws that might not change and then realizing that you don't care for you to realize how much you really love someone.

And watch out if you have set expectations of marriage and/or your spouse because they can be unrealistic and can definitely strain things.

Fer"driving my wife crazy for 3 years running"rick