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Re: I'm back...
Posted By: codeman38, on host
Date: Monday, February 26, 2001, at 17:21:23
In Reply To: Re: I'm back... posted by Howard on Thursday, February 22, 2001, at 18:35:15:

> Actually, the Keys start out sorta south but they curve gradually west all the way to Key West. Marathon is in the middle of the curve. Somehow, I always think of it as going south, south, south instead of south, southwest, west. I suppose Key West could have been called Key South, but they probably had a map when they named it.
> Howard

Heh. Incidentally, I remember having read several different accounts that the name "Key West" has nothing to do with westernness. Rather, it's supposedly a misunderstanding of the Spanish word "hueso", meaning "bone". The reasons given for the name vary, but nearly all of them trace back to that same Spanish word...

And now, back to your regularly scheduled message thread.

-- codeman"triviot extraordinaire"38

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