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Re: koalamom
Posted By: koalamom, on host
Date: Thursday, February 22, 2001, at 00:44:59
In Reply To: koalamom posted by Ellmyruh on Tuesday, February 20, 2001, at 23:56:14:

> > Just remember, put Christ first in your life and don't sweat the rest.
> >
> > koala"nice to meet you"mom
> Yay, you're back!! koalamom, where HAVE you been?? It's been exactly three months since your last post, and I wondered if you'd be back. Welcome back! (Yes, I really did think of you a few times.)
> Ell"Hooray for koalamoms!"myruh

Well, I am going to have to leave and come back more often, just to get an Ellmyruh welcome!
Thank you, you made my day :-)

Don't have anything zippy to report, like "started that Palomino farm I always wanted to" or "made (and lost) a million dollars on the net" or even "guess which one I was on Survivor?"

No, actually, I've been trying to heed the advice I gave Don, and put Christ first in my life. It is so easy to become self-focused! Realized I needed to re-prioritize some things, and part of that involved taking a break from the computer for a while. A zippy forum poster would have gone off to meditate in the mountains of Tibet to do this, I suppose. Me, I made it to the Smokey mountains for a couple of weeks and visited with a retired Tennessee school teacher...
no, not Howard :-) was my father-in-law (kind of a scooter-less version of Howard).

So I guess you could call it a little sabbatical to re-focus. And yes, I did think of you too, and many others here. :-)

koala"not zippy but happy anyway"mom