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Some jokes fall flat
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Wednesday, February 21, 2001, at 11:48:51

Some years ago, I was flying standby and there were no seats available. All of the no-shows must have showed up and the plane was booked solid. The gate agent informed me that I would have to wait for the next flight which was hours away. So I jokingly suggested that I would be willing to take the jump seat. She informed me that only airline employees could fly jump seat, which I already knew. So I said, "How about the baggage hold?" She still didn't seem to understand that I was joking, so I said, "Any space in the wheel wells?" With that she turned and walked away. Later,(much later) as I was preparing to board the next flight, I said, "You knew I was joking about the jump seat didn't you?"
Finally, a smile, and she replied, "No, I thought you were a complete nut."

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