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Re: Homeschooling
Posted By: Kiki, on host
Date: Tuesday, February 20, 2001, at 20:48:59
In Reply To: Re: Homeschooling posted by Sam on Tuesday, February 20, 2001, at 20:38:22:

> Let me see if I can bail you out here, Kiki. Because I know exactly what you intended to say in your first post, but it really didn't come out that way. Your second post is better, but it can still be misconstrued. I'm going to post what I thought you were trying to say, and you can tell me if you disagree.
> Christians *should* be committed to similar moral codes. A lot of Christians don't follow it -- they can screw up -- but they either *realize* they're not following what is given in the Bible as appropriate Christian behavior, or they're false Christians. Non-Christians may or may not subscribe to that same moral code. In a Christian environment, even if the caliber of behavior is just as decadent, you're more likely to be among people *trying* to adhere to the *same* moral code that you, as a Christian, are *trying* to follow. And so there is more support. In a mixed environment, with non-Christians who have diverse moral codes, from ultra-strict to none at all, you're not going to find the same type of support in friends that can encourage you and challenge you to live according to the way that Christians have committed themselves to trying to live.
> Better?
> It's a good idea to learn how to be very exacting about your terminology when posting about moral issues like this in public places. In a small audience of similarly-minded people, what you said would be just fine, because everybody would be coming from more or less the same point you would, and you could safely make some assumptions about how they're going to take something. When you post to the world at large -- and this place, while having an unusual conservative and Christian slant, is certainly frequented by a great diversity of people -- not everybody is going to get where you're coming from, and greater precision is needed to communicate a point like this.
> At any rate, I hope your internal struggles pan out, and I'll keep you in my prayers on the matter.

*phew* Thanks, Sam, that's EXACTLY what I meant. Anyone I offended.... jsut listen to Sam, and not the tired ramblings of my brain.

And thank you for your prayers - those are ALWAYS appreciated.
