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Re: Homeschooling
Posted By: Jannette, on host
Date: Tuesday, February 20, 2001, at 20:30:50
In Reply To: Re: Homeschooling posted by Kiki on Tuesday, February 20, 2001, at 13:06:07:

> I know several kids who have been homeschooled, and their experiences are all over the board. One of them has such a closed world view it's frightening. One of them isn't living a Christian life at all. One of them is one of the nicest, most well-rounded, out-going people I know. All three of these were home-schooled in a very Christian environment.

Well, I don't think public school students are "dumber than a bucket of hair" or anything like that. But I do think that homeschooling offers very definite advantages. I've found, in general, that homeschoolers are prepared at least as well as, if not better than, public schoolers. Last semester, I started taking college courses. I'm going to bea chemistry major, so one course I took was general chemistry (the intro level freshman chem course). I was a bit apprehensive; I didn't know how I'd stack up to the other students. To be honest, I was a bit appalled at how poorly prepared many of the students were. Mix that with poor motivation, and you're asking for trouble.

Sure, some public schools are good. But I'm not sure, for some public school students, if their success is due to public school, or in spite of it. As it is, are students in the best schools may not be in the best position to pass judgement. Ivy League schools attract the top students... but most schools aren't of that caliber. The university I'm at (I'm not officially a student yet- I'm not full time) is fine, but is made up of average students (and some good ones). You can't judge something by isolated examples, you have to look at a large cross section.

I just want say that I'm sure homeschooling isn't for everyone, but I think it's probably the BEST solution for some (including some kids currently not doing well in public schools).

Do svidaniya,

PS: I've appended an article about homeschooling that has some interesting statistics.

Link: An A+ for Homeschooling