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Re: Physilophical rain
Posted By: Melanie, on host
Date: Tuesday, February 20, 2001, at 16:25:43
In Reply To: Physilophical rain posted by Ferrick on Tuesday, February 20, 2001, at 15:18:40:

> As I ran errands at lunch today, a question I hadn't thought about in a while popped into my head. It was raining but I hadn't brought my jacket with me so I was trying to avoid getting too wet.
> So, if you are crossing an open space that is 50 feet wide and it is raining steadily, will you get more water on you if you walk across or if you run?
> I won't list the arguments I've heard either way. I'm more interested in your thoughts because I've never heard a definitive answer.
> Fer"kind of wet with hair all over my ears"rick

I don't know which gets you least wet, but running in the rain is the BEST! I can't ever run, because I'm unathletic, overweight and unexcercised. But I had to run home from school in the rain once when my sister wouldn't answer the phone and it didn't hurt! For like the first time in my life I could run for more than 50 yards without feeling like I couldn't breath through the pain and constriction in my chest(I don't have asthma, that's how badly out of shape I am). And when I got home, I was barely winded! Of course I was soaked through... But nothing's perfect. So whatever you want, run because it's a lot more funner than walking in the rain.

Mel"But running in the freezing cold is awful. I did that once when I forgot our car wasn't working and I had to go caroling. I could barely run 10 yards at a time, and then my lungs hurt for a half hour REALLY bad and then a little after that just a bit. I didn't recover for about a week. Just a tip :P"anie

P.s. I'm not saying running in the rain is healthy. But it is a lot of fun :P