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Re: Academic Challenge Fun
Posted By: codeman38, on host
Date: Sunday, February 18, 2001, at 08:41:10
In Reply To: Re: Academic Challenge Fun posted by Sakura on Tuesday, January 9, 2001, at 14:40:57:

> > > which each member of our team...brought a Ninja Turtle action figure and sat it on their lectern.
> >
> > English teachers, feel free to pick that fragment apart and bash its grammar however you wish. :-p
> Should be "his or her" instead of "their".
> Hey, it's good practice. ^^
> Saku[Oh, had another meet today. We lost 430-270. *cringe*]ra

Also, I was thinking it should be *set* it on his/her lectern, because most of the Turtle figures were standing up. :)

-- codeman"though then again, some of the turtles *did* assume a seated position during the game"38