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Re: Thoughts On The "Gifted" Program
Posted By: Nyperold, on host
Date: Saturday, February 17, 2001, at 23:00:26
In Reply To: Thoughts On The "Gifted" Program posted by Jezzika on Saturday, February 17, 2001, at 18:05:04:

> Hmm. Well I went to several different schools, and so I was in several different gifted programs. I loved the gifted program when I was in elementary school, because the material we covered was fun and interesting and, somehow, there wasn't much rivalry for the teachers' attention. It wasn't about how freakin' brainy we were, it was about expanding our abilities.

They had the right idea, i think.

> However, when I entered high school there was a big change. The students became very competitive.
> It became a race to see who could shout out the correct answer, or who could hold a debate the longest. People who didn't participate this way (like me) were insulted, ignored, or patronized. The teachers seemed to encourage this...

They encouraged the other students to insult, ignore, and patronize you?

> ...and because I didn't get involved, they often had my IQ retested just to make sure I belonged in the program.

Because you weren't a bigheaded jerk? They needed *their* IQs retested if they couldn't see you past their own noses.

> I was frustrated that it was no longer about improving ourselves, but only about who had the highest IQ. I felt alienated by them all.
> I suppose I'm a bit bitter. I had loved the program as a child, because I was proud to be a member and I loved the classes. When it became a depressing sham, I was a bit disillusioned.

You experienced both good teaching and bad, so you're neither under the impression that it's always good or always bad. And as for the people who don't recognize the second scenario as a sham, you're more intelligent than them, in my book.

> I realized that having a high IQ was not the amazing thing I thought it was, it didn't guarantee a person would be wise and smart. It is only a tool that we have to learn how to use. I'm still not very good at it.
> I would be interested to hear anyone else's thought on this program, or about your experiences.
> --Jez"My best friend is the most brilliant person I know, and she was rejected by the program. Bah!"zika


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