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Re: SAT Scores
Posted By: Jezzika, on host
Date: Saturday, February 17, 2001, at 13:24:19
In Reply To: Re: SAT Scores posted by Grishny on Saturday, February 17, 2001, at 08:49:40:

Yeah, you MUST have a college degree to do what you want. Case in point:

My father has a real gift for teaching. He can pretty much get anyone to learn anything. He had a science tutoring job for the University of Tennessee, and people would come from all over to learn from him when they were having problems with Calculus or Physics or whatever. Many people reported to his bosses that he was a more effective teacher than their professors, even when he tutored large groups. The ideal professor, right?

Well a teaching position came up at the college, and his students and coworkers wanted him to get it. But because he doesn't have that piece of paper, he couldn't. If he ever gets the time and the money, he'll go back and get the required degree, but it's going to take a long time.

As for "everyone" going to college, great! The more educated people are, the better. If one must be around others who are brilliant in order to learn, there are schools for that. But the option for college SHOULD be widely available, even for those who are dreadfully "average".
