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Re: cat story
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Friday, February 16, 2001, at 18:10:13
In Reply To: Re: cat story posted by Whisper on Friday, February 16, 2001, at 18:07:10:

> > My daughter has a wierd little cat that is about 12 years old. She(the cat, not my daughter)tends to circle when she's hungry. She squalls and rubs against legs a lot, but in between she paces in a circle. The circle is about three feet in diameter and she always circles counter clockwise.* If I ever learn to speak cat, I'm going to ask her why.
> > Howard
> > *European version: The circle is about one meter in diameter and she always circles anti-clockwise.
> > Howard
> If you ever learn to speak cat, teach me how. I've always wanted to know what my cats are saying.
> Whi"two insane cats"sper

Then we would *both* need to watch out for the guys in the white coats.

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