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Re: Yahoo e-mail
Posted By: codeman38, on host
Date: Friday, February 16, 2001, at 10:21:32
In Reply To: Re: gripe posted by Andrea on Friday, February 16, 2001, at 00:50:11:

> The Yahoo! mail account is stored on *their* mail servers. If you don't check the mail there, it simply will be deleted after some days.
> Anyway, Yahoo! mail is quite spam-free and they let you configure some preferences about the mail addresses that you consider "junk" (i.e. you can tell their computers to put automatically in the thrash every mail coming from addresses such and such).
> Hope this helps,
> AP.

I find it rather surprising that I get less spam on my Yahoo account than I get on *either* of the two Hotmail addresses I've set up so far. OK, so I don't really find it *surprising*, considering that Hotmail is owned by Microsoft ;-), but I do find it a tad bizarre. Why? I very rarely if ever publicize my Hotmail addresses, but I use my Yahoo address on nearly *every* public posting I make (hey, just look in the forum archives and/or on Usenet for proof!) and nearly *every* web site registration I enter. And yet the Yahoo address manages to receive the *least* spam of the three; 'tis quite odd.

(And yes, I *do* use Inbox Protector on Hotmail...)

-- codeman"spam spam spam spam spam spam baked beans and spam"38