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Re: The Thoughts That Are Backing Up In My Head
Posted By: Nyperold, on host
Date: Friday, February 16, 2001, at 03:21:58
In Reply To: The Thoughts That Are Backing Up In My Head posted by Kiki on Thursday, February 15, 2001, at 14:14:42:

> I found out all of 30 seconds ago that I have a new cousin. My aunt and uncle tried just about everything and couldn't get have their own children - so they're having an open adoption, and the baby was born today. Her name is Kayleigh Constance Jantz. Isn't that great? They live in California, though.... we'll see how soon I can get out there to meet her!

Awwww... :hgrin:

> This weekend is Senior High Retreat with my youth group, which should be lots of fun. I've been looking forward to it for ages. Skiing, and friends, and God - what more do I need? It should be a bit harder than other trips, though, because 3 of my friends from school - all Jewish - are going with me. They're all cool, but it'll be interesting how they react to the Christian element, and it'll be a little rough that I won't be able to hang out with my youth group friends as much cause I'll need to stick with my school friends, since they don't know many people. But anyway, I'm praying that it will plant some sort of seed in them, or something.... or at least that they'll discover that a very large group of Christians has TONS of fun!

Well, hopefully, no one tries to convince them that they need to give up their Jewishness to accept Messiah(that is, if they want to), e.g. changing Sabbaths and festivals, and eating stuff that they wouldn't before. (Assuming that they're practicing.) There are lots of congregations that would actually encourage them to retain at least the Scriptural part of it. May everyone keep in mind Colossians 2:16; it applies both ways. (Verses 20-23 refers to the "commandments and doctrines of men"[v.22, KJV], not God's commands.) If they do accept Him, I have a couple of lists of places where they can go.

> I suppose I'd better stop now, before another random occurrence sets me off.... but it's nice to get stuff off of my chest. Thanks for being the sort of people that make this a place where I can say these sorts of things without fear...

You're very welcome. =)

> Kiki
