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Re: Cat Hair
Posted By: Kiki, on host
Date: Thursday, February 15, 2001, at 17:57:32
In Reply To: Re: Cat Hair posted by Sundragyn on Thursday, February 15, 2001, at 14:51:14:

> Cats...
> Ah, the beauty and wonder of those critters! Well, currently, my cat's "I am the queen of the world and have decided to grace you with my presence" attitude has become a "I may be a kind a gracious queen of the world, but you don't really expect me to take you seriously after this" attitude.
> See, Tilly, the dog, ate the last bit of cat food in the whole house. Samantha is hungry. She won't shut up and leave me alone. So I stuck dog food in her dish. Now, she will eat dog food out of the dog dish, but she gave me this *LOOK* when I put it in her dish. So now she's meowing all over the place, purring and rubbing up against me to get me to feed her "proper" food. But, no, I can't even have a cat with a normal meow. She's mute or something. Sam has this squeaky, high-pitched meow that really freaks people out who aren't familiar with it. "What the heck was that noise?" "The cat." "That was a CAT?" It sounds like a squeaky door. Really. I'm not exaggerating.
> Sun"lucky to be a cat servant--at least, Sam thinks so"dragyn.

Maybe she switched with me. When I was a baby.... well, we'll just give the conversation my parents say they had on several occasions.

Me: *crying from crib*
Guests (Knowing full well that my mom's allergic and my dad hates cats): Did you... get a cat?
Parents: Ah, no. That's our daughter...
