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Re: Exciting Times on the Bus: Day Three
Posted By: Don the Monkeyman, on host
Date: Thursday, February 15, 2001, at 09:44:49
In Reply To: Exciting Times on the Bus posted by Don the Monkeyman on Tuesday, February 13, 2001, at 08:01:17:

Here's a story, it's sad but true,
It's about a girl, that I once knew,
She took my heart, and she raaAAAaan around,
With every other, boooooy in town...

OK, now that I have that song out of my system, I'll get on with the real post.

Actually, I'm not sure if this post is worth making. The subject is losing interest, for myself and for Forum readers. Still, I'll go ahead and do one more, and unless this one gets lots of replies, I'll leave off until there is something more interesting to tell.

Now, the astute readers here will have picked up on the implications of the last sentence in the last paragraph, and will easily be able to jump to the correct conclusion. No, I did NOT talk to the REALLY cute girl this morning. Even worse, I think my reasons for not doing so are becoming less vaild by the day. Today, when I got on the bus, she was already seated and reading. There were no other people standing on the bus before I got on; myself and the three other people who got on at my stop were all standing after I got on. Since there were no seats near the REALLY cute girl (and, in fact, no seats at all) I could not sit by her and start a conversation; since the rest of the bus was devoid of standing people, it would have made no sense for me to stand near the front of the bus (beside her) blocking the aisle when there was plenty of room behind me. So I didn't. Besides, I figured it would seem a little unnatural and contrived for me to go stand beside one person who was quietly reading and seated and strike up a conversation with her.

Of course, the next few stops put enough people on the bus that even if I HAD talked to her, I would have had to move back to make room anyway. The next time when there was enough room for me to approach her was at the main stop downtown (one stop before mine) and at that point, the back of the bus was empty while all the seats near her had at least one person sitting in them. Again, common bus courtesy dictated that taking a seat near or beside her would be VERY unusual, so I took a seat in the back and got off at my stop as always.

Well, that is my boring tale for the day. My grand hope now is to get an opportunity like the ones I had last Friday and this Tuesday. Needless to say, I am starting to loathe some aspects of the bus and of common courtesy. Tomorrow does hold a ray of hope for me, though; the Friday bus tends to be less crowded than most other days, and it was on a Friday that I got to sit beside her last time. Here's hoping...

Don "Half-expecting Sam to delete this one, but not really sure one way or the other..." Monkey

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