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Re: A haven?
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Thursday, February 15, 2001, at 07:24:27
In Reply To: A haven? posted by Jannette on Thursday, February 15, 2001, at 06:50:33:

> What is the climate of opinion here? How neutral is the political atmosphere? Or do we not talk about politics? (Due to apathy, disinterest, ect.?) Is it safe to be a Republican in these quarters, or does Ralph Nader rule the day?

The slant of political and religious belief here seems to lean more towards conservative and Christian, respectively, which I find interesting, because I am both conservative and a Christian, and yet I have not thus far posted anything on RinkWorks (other than here in the forum, starting after the slant was established already) that is overtly conservative or Christian in nature. Nonetheless, we have all kinds here, and it is a matter of personal pride with many, I think, that we can be diverse and still have controversial discussions that don't devolve into flame wars. (I delete the odd inflammatory posts, so that helps too.)

> Can I be a loud mouth, or is it wise to be the shy and retiring type, lest I be branded a yahoo, and ignored forever?

It's wisest to be yourself.

> Also, a tech question: I filled my handle in the form above. What's to stop someone else from posting under my name?

Not a thing, but if you see anyone impersonating you, let me know, and I'll take care of it. It's not been a problem so far.

Are you the Jannette from the RinkLympics RinkChat archive?

Link: RinkLympics

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