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Re: Reactions to Nerves
Posted By: roach, on host
Date: Thursday, February 15, 2001, at 03:08:45
In Reply To: Reactions to Nerves posted by Den-Kara on Saturday, February 10, 2001, at 19:12:17:

> I was just thinking today about what I do when I'm VERY nervous about something. I shiver like crazy.

I do something similar.

You know when you get scared and the hair on the back of your neck raises up and your skin goes all clammy but sweaty at the same time and sometimes you get goosbumps?

Well I usually get something similar to that when i get nervous.

My face feels really cold & prickly (like when you get goosebumps - except i don't think you can goosbumps on your face - can you?) and my hands shake.

R"I get nervous whenever I have to go out to Reception and know that I'm dealing with an irate customer"oach