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Re: notes from the commute and compulsive behavior
Posted By: Kiki, on host
Date: Wednesday, February 14, 2001, at 14:13:57
In Reply To: notes from the commute and compulsive behavior posted by Faux Pas on Wednesday, February 14, 2001, at 05:54:08:

> This morning, one of the cattle on the subway had a clear backpack. I wondered what it was for. The first thing I thought of is she's displaying what she has to potential muggers, which I thought was nice. It'd keep muggers from assaulting people who really don't have anything worth stealing. "Hand over your -- oh, sorry, didn't see that all you had was a notebook and some lip gloss."

Actually, my brother's high school - or was it my junior high the year before i went? - no, I'm pretty sure it was my brother's high school - required, or tried to, for a while, that everyone carry clear or mesh backpacks so that security could see through them. Of course, it didn't work - there are inherent problems with each of those types. The clear plastic ones rip really easily, and the mesh ones don't keep water out. anyway, there's a reason for them...

Ki"stupid security"ki