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Re: Science Fiction, Sci-fi, and SF
Posted By: Sentry, on host
Date: Wednesday, February 14, 2001, at 12:56:28
In Reply To: Science Fiction, Sci-fi, and SF posted by Quartz on Wednesday, February 14, 2001, at 09:18:40:

> Or should it even be called Science Fiction? Isn't the real name Prophetic Fiction or something? Or did they just call it that in the 30s?

I've never heard of 'Prophetic Fiction' but I would think that is a narrow sub-genra, either any story set in the future or any story set in the future with technology and cultural advancements that could possible occure. A lot of what would be SF or what ever wouldn't fit in their.

I have heard the term Speculative Fiction, I'm not sure were. I like that one myself, because it seems broader than Science Fiction. I've gotten into debates with my friends over were Science Fiction turns into Fantasy, and some stories really blend the two. Speculative Fiction seems, to me at least, to cover any story based in the fantastic (unexpected or impossible in the current day and age, from human cloning to time travel to aliens visitors to magic spells to men in primary colored spandex jumping over cities to people summoning evil Elder Gods like Cuthulu (sp?))

Sen'SF+Fantasy=Speculative Fiction'try

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