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Re: Exciting Times on the Bus: Day Two (V-Day)
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Wednesday, February 14, 2001, at 12:22:45
In Reply To: Re: Exciting Times on the Bus: Day Two (V-Day) posted by Mousie on Wednesday, February 14, 2001, at 11:57:27:

> > > Don hurriedly tied his tie. As he fumbled with the knot, he ran through a mental checklist of the things he had needed to accomplish that morning.
> > >
> > > Shower? Check.
> > > Shave? Check.
> > > Brush teeth? Check.
> > > Mouthwash? Check.
> > > Change kitty litter? Check.
> > > Feed fish? Check.
> > > Make a lunch? Check.
> >
> > Just in an attempt to lighten up a sad situation:
> >
> > After that whole long list of things you remembered to do, I kept waiting for you to say you forgot to put on your pants. :-}
> I was looking for him to have thrown his lunch down the trash chute and carried used cat litter onto the bus.

Another example of Mousie Mental Magic! Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinkin', too, because Dave and I put used kitty litter into the same type of bags that we use to carry lunch. Wonder if we'll come to grief one of these days.

Wolf "Right on, Don, you sure know how to keep us on our toes" spirit