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Immature writers
Posted By: Quartz, on host
Date: Wednesday, February 14, 2001, at 09:28:41

I need some advice and/or comforting, or something like that. You see, at this one writing website for kids I'm a member of, there's been this kid saying things like "Read my story or I'll do something bad! You're all so mean for not reading my story!".

I wrote a post to him/her (we have to go by nicknames at this website, according to the rules, so I don't know this person's gender) basically telling them to shut up. I can't remember exactly what I said, but it was something along these lines:

"You have to realize that we are writers. We are busy with writing our own stories, and we just might not have to time to read yours. We're not ignoring you on purpose.
Writers have to learn from rejection. You must remember that no matter what you write, somebody will love it and somebody will hate it. Your job isn't to poll everybody's opinions, it's to write and have fun.
Do you really think that threatening to do "bad things" will really make people come flocking?
Realize that some people won't like your story. That doesn't mean you should give up. You should NEVER give up. Just don't threaten or whine."

After I posted that, I realized that this person is probably just a little kid (I think he/she said they were in the 3rd grade or something). I hope I wasn't too patronizing, and I've only been a writer a little while myself. I certainly hope I didn't discourage them from writing. That wasn't my intention at all.

Qua "I wanted to set the kid straight, but hope I didn't sound like a big meanie" rtz

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